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Climate Change

For youth: Get inspired, share and act
Time is running out. Addressing the climate crisis and water scarcity will take more than individual efforts. If governments, businesses and global leaders take ambitious, comprehensive and urgent action now, we can limit the impact of the climate crisis and water scarcity and ensure a safe and healthy future for the world’s children.

Introduction to Green Economy
In this course, we will go on a journey that introduces us to the basic concepts, policy instruments and international frameworks of inclusive green economies. Our path consists of five modules which are divided into smaller sections. You can start with any module depending on your preference.

Children and Climate Change
This course presents how children and youth can be impacted by climate change, how their resilience can be strengthened, and how they can act to address this challenge. It consists of a module divided into five sections and takes around 2 hours to complete.

Mental Health

What’s on your mind? Help break the stigma around mental health
This guide offers you some tips to help break the stigma around mental health difficulties, talk about mental health without reinforcing stereotypes and communicate your feelings better with your friends and family.

Mental health aspects of women’s reproductive health
Mental health problems may develop as a consequence of reproductive health problems or events. These include lack of choice in reproductive decisions, unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, sexually transmissible infections including HIV, infertility and pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth or fistula

Free E-Training in Mental Health Become A Certified Mental Health Advocate And Improve Mental Health In Ghana
This course sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), will equip you with the capacity to understand and promote the human rights and recovery of persons living with mental health conditions.

Career Development

Youth Foresight
It is a one-stop shop providing curated tools, publications, databases and resources to support evidence-based action for supporting young people’s education and skilling, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement. GenU and DJY will continually expand the platform with high-quality content.

How to choose my future profession ? A step-by-step guide for job seekers
This guide presents in a simple and practical way, the stages of the reflection to be carried out to make a choice of profession. It can be used as a workbook to be completed directly. Intended for autonomous job seekers, it can also be used as a support tool by counselors at employment agencies around the world.

Career Exploration and Skill Development
Finding a job can be a challenge for youth. They must determine what careers are available, what their interests are, and what skills they have or need to develop. Numerous resources are available to help youth get a sense of their interest and skills as well as gain employment experience and learn about employment opportunities.

Upskill and show your skills on yoma in order to reach your goals. Make a difference, earn rewards and build your CV by taking part in our impact challenges. Record your growth on yoma, unlock skills through opportunities and earn rewards.

Women’s Empowerment

Gender Equity
UNICEF works with partners to achieve equal rights for girls and women. Child marriage hampers the development and growth potential of adolescent girls, especially from poor families in rural Ghana. One girl out of five is married before her 18th birthday, while 12 per cent in the age group of 15-19 years start bearing children.

Video Briefings: Gender Equality in Preparedness and Humanitarian Action
Welcome to the series of 10-minute learning modules on gender in humanitarian action.  The main purpose of this series is to build understanding and share knowledge on gender-related concepts, frameworks and resources of relevance to UNICEF’s work in humanitarian settings. The opportunity for this came about with the release of the new UNICEF Core Commitment for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs) in late 2020, and the need to promote knowledge, ownership, understanding and application by personnel and partners.

Foundations of Gender-Transformative Approaches
This course will help you understand what makes a programme gender transformative, why it matters for quality and results-based programming, and what strategic adjustments can be made to your programme so that it becomes more gender transformative. This course also lays the foundation for subsequent courses of this learning path that cover programming for adolescent girls.